Awaken…Giant Slayers

Awaken…Giant Slayers

Soon or later you have to stand your ground. Sooner or later we can either stand for Liberty, which, by the way, is a gift from God not the state, or lay down and cower in the corner. What is the line in the sand for you and your family? If you have reached a conclusion, thought about it or ever believed this question would be posed to you, well…it’s past time to awaken and come to the front line or head to the corner.

I will die on the vaccine hill, medical tyranny, mask mandates and all the other vile crimes that proceed from it will be blood on someone else’s hands. This is it. No more.

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Either you can roll over and take it… or you can, stand with Patriots and honor the gifts, promises and blessings from God, dressed in the Full Armor of God.

We won’t think any differently about someone’s decision. The state will most certainly think about everyone’s decision. Why do you think they are putting the control mechanisms in place as this is being produced / read? The enemy knows this conversation is happening. The enemy knows every key stroke and every eye that views anything online. Believe what you will.

We put our faith, trust and life in the hands of God. We will defend His honor, we will not instigate anything, but we will not back down.

Listen to this so-called “elected” official. This woman, literally, has her position because she blew her way into office. If you don’t believe me, ask former San Fransisco Mayor, Willie Brown, he will be more than happy to tell you all about what a skank, filthy Jezebel she really is. – oh yeah, she lords over us all at this point – listen to her and tell me that she should be in this position.

Meantime, these filthy, vile satanic-globalist and their minions stole this womans property because the message on the flag is NOT ALLOWED IN THE FREEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

Does this sound like the reception for a person that supposedly received more votes in the history of voting?

Here is, yet another, studied voice explaining with a rational mind how we remain human.

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